Energy moves us

MECO moves energy

Energie bewegt uns

MECO bewegt Energie

  • The world needs more and more energy each day. Besides the environmental and sustainable generation of energy, the effective and efficient energy supply gains increasing importance. Not only hospitals, airports or universities need a safe and reliable power distribution.
  • Energy is everywhere and energy is everywhere indispensable. In order to offer you a maximum in reliability and security of supply, MECO ELECTRIC LLC exclusively cooperates with selected and considerable manufacturers. It is self-evident for us, offering you turnkey projects from one source.
  • Die Welt braucht jeden Tag mehr Energie. Neben einer umweltschonenden und nachhaltigen Energiegewinnung, erlangt die effektive und effiziente Energieverteilung eine stetig wachsende Bedeutung. Nicht nur Krankenhäuser, Flughäfen oder Universitäten benötigen eine sichere und zuverlässige Stromversorgung.
  • Energie ist überall und Energie ist überall unabdingbar. Um Ihnen ein Maximum an Zuverlässigkeit und Versorgungssicherheit anbieten zu können, arbeitet MECO ELECTRIC LLC ausschließlich mit ausgewählten, namhaften Herstellern zusammen. Es ist für uns selbstverständlich schlüsselfertige Projekte aus einer Hand anzubieten.



Mission Mission
 Vision   Vision 

Due to the increasing internationalization and globalization of business relationships, specific transaction costs, like information, bargaining and control costs, constitute essentially influencing factors to the total profitability of investments and projects. As a capable partner, we identify economical and technical potential for optimization along the whole value chain. It is our aim to offer our customers at any time a maximum of flexibility and productivity by innovative and environmentally friendly products and concepts.

--Unser Ziel ist es, Kunden durch innovative Produkte und Konzepte, ein Höchstmaß an Flexibilität und Rentabilität zu bieten. Als kompetenter Partner identifizieren wir entlang der gesamten Wertschöpfungskette wirtschaftliche und technische Optimierungspotenziale.

We will always react to the increasing demands of the markets, to come up to our standard of the highest possible flexibility and customer satisfaction. Our aim is the ability to offer you customized green projects from one source. That means for us, that you can focus totally on your own core competences, without claiming further financial or personal resources. Especially in the international context we want to contribute to minimize our customers market risks and uncertainties.



  • Company MECO ELECTRIC LLC was founded in 2009. CEO Mr. Martin Endres can fall back on a wide experience of more than 30 years in the field of electrical engineering. Due to our comprehensive product and market experience, long-lasting business relations and our extensive national and international contacts, we are always able to fulfill your individual demands.
  • Our business activities range from consulting, design and conception to delivery, mounting and maintenance of technologies for green power generation, as well as technologies for save and reliable energy supply and distribution.
  • The company's offerings extend from photovoltaics, solar thermal systems, technologies for water preparation, to low- and medium-voltage switchgears, transformers and UPS-plants.



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